We’re acting now to remove known blockages in the network.  This is to help reduce the risk of sewage flooding in your community and protect the environment. That’s why we’re in your neighbourhood, to clear, monitor and maintain local sewer networks close to your home.  ​

We take 1 billion litres of used water away from homes and businesses every day, including drainage from roads, highways and public spaces.  Our sewers take a great deal of resource to Keep It Clear especially when we need to remove around 40,000 blockages a year.​ This could include installing sewer monitors which are clever bits of kit that keep an eye on the sewer levels, making it easier for us to spot blockages and potential problems that could cause pollutions and flooding in the community. ​

So, we're working with partners including: 

You may see these teams out in your neighbourhood working with us, or on our behalf. ​
If you have any doubts about a contractor, please call us using 03457 145 145.​
Our customer contact staff will be able to check and make sure they work for Anglian Water and will be able to advise you on any work going on in your area


Help us Keep It Clear

Our Keep It Clear programme is all about working together with communities, councils and partners to proactively prevent blockages from happening.


We need to make sure during extreme weather events the sewers and pipes remain clear to deal with the rapid increase of used water flowing through them.​

In your area

Check out what work is happening near you to help keep water flowing to your taps and the sewer network clear of blockages. You can also report an issue.