It’s part of your daily routine, but you’re conscious of the time you spend in there as you’re keen to start your day.
Showering is just another ‘to-do’ on your long task list, but you’re an expert at doing two things at once. Like brushing your teeth whilst your conditioner has time to work it’s magic.
It’s your ‘me’ time. So you like to heat up the water first, get things all steamy and relax under the warm water.
It’s part of your daily routine, but you want to keep bills low and do your bit for the environment, so you try to be in and out quickly.
You love showering, so definitely more than once a day.
You have busy days, so you only to shower once a day (if you can find the time!).
You want to save both time and money so you only shower once every 2-3 days.
Who showers? You love to relax and unwind in a bath.
You’re in and out in less than 5 minutes.
Normally between 5-10 minutes.
It changes daily, but between 10-15 minutes.
You have no idea!
You don’t think it about it much and just turn it to warm.
Cold showers keep you alert and feeling refreshed.
Make them boiling hot and steamy to relax.
You switch it up - both hot and cold.
No way, you love a long hot shower whatever the weather.
When it’s warm you shower more often to keep cool, but you keep them under 5 minutes.
Cold short showers are the best way to wake up and feel alert all year round.
Weather doesn't impact on my shower but my plans for the day do.
Sing-along to your favourite playlist.
Have a wee – save time and water!
Clean in the shower.
Listen to news or a podcast to catch up on any breaking headline.
Brush your teeth.
Turn the shower off whilst applying products.
Make the days 'to do list’.
Stand there and relax.
10 litres – that’s about 30 cups of tea.
25 litres – this is the same as 5 water cans.
40 litres – you would need to flush a toilet 8 times to use this amount of water.
55 litres – that’s around 1 washing machine cycle.
75 litres - the same amount to fill an average sized bath.
100 litres - this amount of water would fill a 3 foot paddling pool.
Since the cost of living increase, you’re watching your water and energy usage more closely to save money
Not only are you checking your water and energy usage via smart meters and apps, you’re also using water saving tools like eco-shower heads or water displacement devices in the toilet
You’re aware the cost of energy and water is increasing but aren’t currently taking any steps to reduce your usage
Since the cost of living crisis, saving energy, water and money has never been more important but you’re not sure how they are connected

Your Shower Personality : The Multi-tasker

shower Personality

As a Multi-tasker, you’re great at staying on top of things. Chances are you can brush your teeth, wash your body and clean the shower all at the same time – impressive!


You likely already save water by getting the best out of your time. And even better, you take advantage of the best ways to save money. But did you know that only 44% of people are reducing the time they spend in the shower?


More than 70% of our daily water use happens in the bathroom, and around 12% of your total energy bills comes from just heating water.


Discover ways you can save water, energy and money in the bathroom here.


Thanks for completing our quiz. Don't forget to share your quiz results and tag your friends and family to see their shower personalities!


Your Shower Personality : The Dreamer

shower Personality

As a Day Dreamer, you’re cool and collected. You often let your mind wander and explore new ideas. Chances are you use shower time to relax and unwind.


Showering is a great way to destress and elevate your mood. But did you know that only 44% of people are reducing the time they spend in the shower?

More than 70% of our daily water use happens in the bathroom, and around 12% of your total energy bills comes from just heating water.


Discover ways you can save water, energy and money in the bathroom here.


Thanks for completing our quiz. Don't forget to share your quiz results and tag your friends and family to see their shower personalities!


Your Shower Personality : The Conscious Carer

shower Personality

As a Conscious carer, you’ve got a heart of gold. Mindful of others, and chances are you’re always looking for new and better ways you can look after the planet.


It’s likely you’re already trying to reduce the water you use. But did you know that only 44% of people are reducing the time they spend in the shower?

More than 70% of our daily water use happens in the bathroom, and around 12% of your total energy bills comes from just heating water.


Discover ways you can save water, energy and money in the bathroom here.


 Thanks for completing our quiz. Don't forget to share your quiz results and tag your friends and family to see their shower personalities!

Your Shower Personality : The Go Getter

shower Personality

As a Go Getter, you’re always on the move and ready to make things happen. Chances are you’re already taking action to save water, like switching to eco-friendly products and timing yourself in the shower.


It’s likely you already use your time wisely. But did you know that only 44% of people are reducing the time they spend in the shower?

More than 70% of our daily water use happens in the bathroom, and around 12% of your total energy bills comes from just heating water.


Discover ways you can save water, energy and money in the bathroom here.


 Thanks for completing our quiz. Don't forget to share your quiz results and tag your friends and family to see their shower personalities!