We may have contacted you letting you know that you might have a leak at your home, or you may have noticed an increase in your water usage. Leaks can have the potential to add up to £300 onto your yearly bill and if you have a smart meter, we've detected continuous water use which usually means there's some kind of leak. This can sound worrying, but we're here to help you identify and tackle them quickly. 

To help you save on your bills and protect our precious resource, follow along to check, find and fix leaks in your home quickly with these simple steps.

If you don't have a smart meter and are worried that you might have a leak because your bill is higher than normal. Please visit this page to see how we can support you to investigate if you have a leak...​

Checking for leaks*

*if your meter doesn’t quite look like the one in the video there’s no need to worry, here are the other smart meters that you might have.


If you do have a leak, it is likely to be inside your home so starting with your fixtures and appliances are a great place to start. Surprisingly, dual flush toilets are most likely to leak.
(Remember if your meter is inside your property, then the potential leak will be inside your home).


Top tip: We already collect hourly readings to help us spot if you have a leak at home, and it's easy for you make sure you can see this breakdown too. Simply log into MyAccount and ‘View my water usage’ then on the usage section you'll be able to filter and see your hourly usage.

What's next?​

Your smart meter will be able to see when the leak’s been fixed, so you don’t need to let us know when it’s done. We'll also send you a notification of this or you can log into My Account to check your water usage has gone back to normal.


For even more information on finding a leak and next steps, see our dedicated leaflet.