This is the main tariff for most customers, and you’ll be put onto it when you first set up your account with us.

Fixed charges for metered customers
A fixed charge is included in all bills, and covers:

  • customer services such as reading your water meter, sending bills and dealing with enquiries;
  • the cost of maintaining your water connection to supply you with fresh clean water
  • where sewerage services are provided by us, the cost of surface water and highway drainage services


Metered charges​
If your home has a water meter or is billed on an assessed measured basis, your bill is based on the water you use, plus a fixed charge. Sewerage consumption is normally based on 90% of the water you use. Find out more about sewerage charges here.

Metered charges - standard rate for 2025-26

**includes a fixed charge of £23 to cover highway drainage.

Metered charges - standard rate for 2024-25

**includes a fixed charge of £23 to cover highway drainage.

​Unmetered charges​
If you don’t have a water meter, your bill is based on the Rateable Value (RV) of your home, plus a fixed charge. This Rateable Value was fixed back in March 1990 and includes factors like the size of your home, the number of rooms, and your local amenities. Although the Rateable Value of your home is no longer set by councils, we must still base our charges on those values. 

As an unmetered customer, you might be able to save money on your bill if you switch to a water meter - meaning you’ll only pay for the water you use. Find out more here about how you can switch to a meter.

Unmetered charges - standard rate for 2025-26

*Up to RV £1,000 **includes a fixed charge of £23 to cover highway drainage.

Unmetered charges - standard rate for 2024-25

*Up to RV £1,000 **includes a fixed charge of £23 to cover highway drainage.

We also have specific tariffs for certain areas in our region such as Northstowe, Woods Meadow, Finningley and Hartlepool.

So that you only have one water bill, other water companies often collect charges for used water and surface water drainage on our behalf. Read more about your sewerage and surface water drainage charges.

We’re here to help

If you have any questions about your bill, or think you should be on a different Tariff, please speak to our friendly Extra Care support team, or explore our interactive support guide.